Disciples in Action!
Do you ever wonder what motivates someone to love so radically?
Have you witnessed another’s sacrifice and asked yourself, “How do they do it?”
When seeing someone living their faith with abandon does it inspire you to live yours?
Have you ever heard another’s story and it’s as if your heart were set on fire?
Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning while he
spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?”
~ Luke 24.32.Disciples United in Worship.
Disciples Welcoming to All.
Disciples Working for Justice and Peace.
These Conversations fall under:
“Disciples Working for Justice and Peace.”
Join Richard Hoffmann to learn about his spiritual journey as a Secular Order Franciscan.
A retired middle school teacher and active Holy Spirit parishioner, Richard lives his life as St Francis teaches, serving others joyfully as a child of God!
How does being a secular order Franciscan allow Richard to say, “Yes!” to God’s promptings as a Stephen Minister, a Downtown Franciscan volunteer and more?
What does it mean to belong to a secular religious order, what does membership ask of us?
And how might such commitments transform us?
Come, see, listen and learn!
When: 13 October 2024, 9:15-10:00 (between masses).