Point Catholic Events
Every Thursday night Point Catholic will gather either for one of our Student Suppers or for a Point Catholic Event. Stay informed by joining our Flocknote by texting PointCatholic to 84576 or filling out a Student Registration. You can also look on our Instagram, Facebook, and SPIN pages.
Retreats are a great way of stepping back from the busyness of our lives to focus on God and on building community with others. We offer two different types of retreats here: a weekend retreat in the fall and a "busy student retreat" in the spring. Learn move about these retreats HERE
Spring Break Service Trip
Each year, students participate in an alternative spring break trip.
Learning About Faith
For those who aren't Catholic or are Catholic, but haven't received all of the sacraments, we offer OCIA as a parish. OCIA stands for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, which is the formal process of becoming an adult Catholic. Learn more here.