Do you ever wonder if your faith experience is similar to others?
Have you heard God’s whispers and weren’t sure if it were God or if it were you?
Have you come upon someone living faith visibly and wondered, “How do they do it?”
Have you ever heard another’s story and it were as if your heart were set on fire?
Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning while he
spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?”
~ Luke 24.32.
8 September: Brian Formella — and Holy Spirit Parishioners —
Interview Pia Altieri, Director of Adult Faith Formation + Social Justice.
13 October: See, “Disciples in Action!”
10 November: Minka Bourner
Her transformative journey begins with a diagnosis and the realization of god at work in her life.8 December: Annette Hultman, wife, mother, catechist.
Join Annette Hultman to learn about her spiritual journey as a wife, mother, children’s catechist and more!
In July, Annette and Ben finalized domestic adoption proceedings for their son Judah. Now, Sam and Noah have a baby
Have you ever wondered how to invite God into your life more intimately and actively—especially when weighing big
decisions and potential changes?
Through faith, discernment and surrender, Annette and Ben learned to trust their hearts and God’s infinite love:
Paperwork’s minutia and our “best laid plans” are no match for God’s merciful love for us!
How might Annette’s and Ben’s family inspire you to surrender and trust God too?
Join Michelle Fischer, Director of Child, Youth, and Family Faith Formation to learn more about her spirituality and faith journey!
Explore with Michelle the line in our lives between the ordinary and Extraordinary - highlighting the remarkable, the beautiful and the Divine!
While few of us may ever stand before a spontaneously burning bush, we share Moses’ experience of the ordinary becoming extraordinary…. “the place on which you are standing is sacred ground.” Then and there Moses meets God, “I am Who am.”
In all matters relating to us and God there is no ordinary. It’s through sharing the ‘everyday’ of Every Day with God that we grow – each uniquely on fire to live as disciples of Christ!!