Our Affiliate Cub & Scout Troops 298
Sponsored by the Holy Name Society for Men, our affiliate Cub and Scout Troops are well-
established and dynamic groups that strive to “prepare young people to make ethical and
moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.”
Through hands-on learning, out-door activities, community service and the achievement of
rank, participants develop confidence, character, leadership skills, love of the natural world
and, often, long-term friendships. Opportunities to travel to Rhinelander, WI. and enjoy Akela’s
World Cub Camp and Camp Tesomas for Scouts occur several times a year.
Cub Scout Pack 298 is for youth in grades K-5 and offers fun for the whole family. Dens meet
two times a month. All dens come together once a month, on a Monday evening, for a Pack
meeting. For more information, please contact Russell Kezeske at 715-344-6684.
Boy Scout Troop 298 is for young men ages 11-17 who enjoy camaraderie, out-door fun,
adventure and hands-on learning, leadership and service. The troop meets every Monday
evening, September through May, in the basement of the Tim Copps Early Childhood Learning
Center next to Holy Spirit Parish, and every other Monday in the summer in varied locations.
For more information, please contact Ron Tippel at [email protected].
(Note: Although Scouting is open to young women of all ages; currently, there is not a
designated troop for young women ages 11-17 at Holy Spirit Parish.)
2019-2020 Cub Pack Meeting Dates
(Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held in Kostka Hall)
August 29, September 5 (location TBD), September 9, October 21, November 11, December 16,
February 17, February 21 (Pinewood Derby), March 9, April 13.